My New Forest National Park Life.


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My New Forest Life News October 2024

Update on 2024 Drifts: Many Drifts are cancelled indefinitely due to Strangles. Check out my Drift info

There are frolicking foals everywhere 

Please drive slowly and with extreme care - thank you

Why Do I love living in the New Forest? Let's find out what makes it so special?

I'm Christina and I'm passionate about living in this beautiful place - did you guess?

I'd like to share with you the joy and beauty of living in this lovely environment, as well as some of the sadder issues I encounter as part of life here.

However, I've got some news before I start……

Summer is here - sometimes! (after what seems like months of wet, wet, wet! Why not buy an ebook to read together? I'd love you to share my ebook story with your children. Reading together is such a special time to use their imagination.

With this book they can share all the special photos I've taken of the New Forest ponies over the years. Time for you to share a cosy winter read together with your little one?  

Ebook front cover

My ebook is a kindness tale. It's an ebook for children told by a little New Forest foal. He learns there are good and bad forest fairies. Why are some people unkind and others not? What choices do we have in life? It is a tale I hope you can enjoy reading together with your loved ones.

A little foal learns about kindness from the good fairies of the forest. He's only just been born and needs to discover how to stay safe from the evil, fungi living fairies whose dresses are made from fungi - and they smell too!

It gets scary at times, for both himself and his foal chums, but he learns about the world of kindness from a little old lady in the forest and how the good, kind fairies will always try to look out for him - to keep him safe.

Would you like to view before you buy? Just use the link to a see the first page and a couple of photos too. Sunny's Scary Fairy Tale.

My book is only £7.99. To Buy: please choose the Buy Now Button below                                                     

Pay by PAYPAL on the button below


You can also have some fun throughout the year by following a trail across the New Forest, from a local author I can recommend. Just follow The New Forest Trail on Sunny's Fairy Tale page.

You've probably visited my website to find out more about this beautiful place, so here we go.

I live inside a cattle grid (in a cottage not a cattle grid!). 

I'm a New Forest Commoner which means my animal(s) roam outside my gate.

The animals you see aren't "wild" but are all owned by Commoners like me. 

Update: the 2023 animal accident figures are now in. Please visit my Animal Accident page here.

We love and respect our animals and an awful lot of hard work, care and attention goes into keeping each and every one of them safe. It's a vital part of the New Forest and the animals are the "architects" of all the beautiful environments you will see when you visit. It's part of the history and heritage of the forest.

STOP PRESS: I've just discovered a wonderful YouTube entitled New Forest Airfields then vs now. Please watch it as it will tell you so much about these essential wartime airfields and also bring them into the 21st Century for us. Brilliant (and hard work) I think. 

My Blog seems to be becoming a bit of a rant on trying to keep our animals safe, which is a shame as living here is a joy. However, safety is an ongoing issue, whether our animals are in danger from road accidents, feeding them by the roadside, illegal BBQ's or fires or other dangers they may face. 

Solo Build It!

What do you do if you hit an animal? 

Always report it immediately

The latest report shows just how many of our animals are killed or injured on the roads each year.

Please watch this video. It explains just how carefully you need to drive on our New Forest roads and that the animals who roam freely have right of way - perhaps something you weren't aware of?

Here's how you can help prevent animal accidents


Don't FEED

Don't PET

Don't BBQ - All BBQ's currently banned

Lots of don'ts so I'll explain why.

SPEEDING - is a no brainer but every single day I see drivers speeding (often locals with a determined look on their faces to get to their destinations) - they're on a road so it's OK to go above the speed limit? Please.........Slow down on our roads and add an extra 3 minutes to your journey.

FEEDING - you'll encourage an animal to come up to a car - the last thing we want if you're by a roadside! The animals will then have even less fear of cars and their dangers and they will also start to kick each other to get the titbit. Sadly, we have lost our precious animals from choking by well meaning visitors giving them what they think of as treats - a deadly treat.

PET - all of the above! but this time YOU'RE likely to get bitten or kicked. I recently saw a well meaning grandpa letting a tiny toddler wander along when a herd of ponies were having a run around! Amazing behaviour - the ponies have the right of way on roads and everywhere else - it's YOUR responsibility to keep yourself safe around them.

BBQ - NO BBQ'S (INCLUDING DISPOSABLE) ARE CURRENTLY ALLOWED ANYWHERE IN THE NEW FOREST FOR 2024. Every year I've picked up discarded BBQ's from all around the New Forest. Do you think there's a litter fairy who clears up your waste? Animals will investigate hot embers and get burnt or injured. The New Forest is always under fire risk so having an illegal BBQ is a no brainer!

That's a rant over. One of the saddest sights I've seen recently was a lovely new born ( a couple of days old) donkey foal near a road with its mum. When I came back a few hours later it was dead! Short life eh?

When are motorists going to respect our environment and drive slowly with care? - the New Forest is NOT a convenient rat-run!

Solo Build It!

Do you fancy some New Forest cycling fun? There are new 2024 routes I think you'll love!

This is a time of stress for many - here is some helpful information from the following New Forest Voluntary Organisations:

Citizens Advice, Food banks, New Forest Disability, Age Concern New Forest, Neighbourcare Befriending, Youth Advisor support, Hampshire Macmillan Citizens Advice Service. I hope you can find some help. 

All my latest news is updated on my Blog. 

You can use the Custom Search boxes to also find pages even if you only remember what you read by one keyword. 

Please enjoy my New Forest life photos (all copywritten) and recommendations with me, ready for your visit.

I get many questions about the New Forest pigs Last year I saw a lovely little gang of 12! with their mum. I had to wrestle a plastic bag off one piglet so please always take your litter home - it could save an animals life!

Would you like a monthly Newsletter email from me? It will mainly cover the problems we have on our New Forest roads and other welfare issues for our commoning animals. However, any tales or issues I think you'd enjoy will also be included.

New Forest National Park Dog Friendly News, Tips, Pubs and Hotels

  • I've just put up new info about the Lepto inoculation you should be giving your dog if you live or visit the New Forest. Lots for you to read and then make your own decision on.
  • There's a new dog health scare this time involving a parasite from Europe which has been found in ticks in Essex. You've probably seen it in the media. Find out what I'm doing for my dog.
  • Alabama Rot or CRGV seems to be raising it's head again. I've been getting lots of inquiries on the New Forest dog death illness and Alabama Rot. I've added updated info so please check it out. You may see this referred to as Cutaneous and Renal Glomerular Vasculopathy (CRGV) rather than Alabama Rot. They seem to be the same thing though. There's previous info which may help you too Dog death illness update.
  • Dog friendly pubs now has its own page as well as dog friendly hotels and tips too. We do mud, hair and dribble here so you'll get a welcome at my recommended places!
  • Watch out for adders - they love sunbathing in the heathland and may strike out at your dog.
  • There are many All Access paths, suitable for the disabled visitor, right in the heart of this stunning National Park. I can help you find out where to stay too. At some you may be able to bring your dog.
  • My walks and cycling pages have handy maps and routes for you to discover.

The Animals - are my passion in case you haven't guessed?

New Forest pony and her foal
  • Since I saw my New Forest pony born I've become even more passionate about the safety, welfare and protection of all our Commoners' animals. No animal you see is wild - they're all owned by a Commoner - that's why I want to share this way of life with you. 
  • Follow my little foal blog  and discover why I saved this little foal from slaughter and what is involved
  • The pigs and piglets are hilarious during Pannage. This year they will be out from early September through to October and November (the actual date changes every year) depending when green acorns fall. Sadly, we no longer have our lovely pig and piglets outside our cottage but you should look out for them all over the forest in the autumn. 

New Forest National Park ponies on The Drift - always take care.

New Forest National Park Eats and Sleeps

  • I've got some nice Tea Rooms to recommend.
  • Feeling hungry? Discover Farmers Markets I can recommend.
  • Recently, I went to a fantastic Food Market with the finest, freshest produce. What's your favourite food? Now you can tell us!
  • Are you thinking of a New Forest wedding? My Wedding Tips should help you plan yours.
  • Are you looking for romantic lodges? I've visited these myself. Tip! (Please check the lodge is actually within the forest boundary? Some are advertised but are not within the forest at all).
  • Or perhaps a unique B&B?: Or lovely forest or seaside Cottage?
  • I'll suggest beautiful Hotels and Spa's
  • New Forest Safari tents are back! My camping info keeps you much closer to nature Tip!Keep your food locked away from the animals.  

New Forest getting about and having fun!

Thefts from cars

The police recently warned me how car park thieves work - I never, ever leave anything in my car and always take my bag (if I have one) and valuables with me. Apparently you may be being watched and the thieves are looking to see you either store your valuables (perhaps hidden under a seat? - it doesn't work!) or put them in your boot. They are then ready to break into your car once you've left it.

I always have my valuables stashed in my pockets but that again can make them think I've stored a bag somewhere in the car - it's hard to win isn't it? Please take care - don't leave anything you would hate to lose in your car and watch out for people in cars or walking dogs near you as you leave the car. How sad that I need to post this warning?

Getting About

  • It's fishing season (Hatchett Pond will reopen on June 16th 2018). I've just found a good place to day fish at Burley and also where you can try Fly Fishing too. So, get your bait (I'll tell you where) and hook up but please watch the animals' safety too.
  • Are you a keen walker? We are. It's all on my walks and trails suggestions. Find out where you can have some stunning National Trust walks too.
  • Cycling here is fantastic fun. There are over 100 miles of off road lanes and tracks. 
  • Update 2022:Cycling is allowed on the New Forest ONLY on the way marked numbered cycle routes. More people are going off road across the forest which will damage this sensitive environment.Please make sure you stick to the allowed cycling routes and help protect this beautiful place and all our livestock and wildlife too.
  • Explore my Four recommended cycling routes. We're always discovering and trying out new ones.
  • Read my latest horse riding recommendation. If you're a horse rider I've discovered a fantastic safety app to help find you and your horse if you get into trouble.

Having Fun

  • Now is a good time to visit our fairies at Furzey Gardens - you can even leave your own fairy message.
  • I've recently visited the New Forest Wildlife Park. I saw beautiful animals in a wonderful woodland setting. I really can recommend a visit here.
  • Exciting news if you're an Elvis fan. The last car he bought and drove the day before his death has come to the New Forest! My Beaulieu Review tells you all. 
  • Find out why I recommend visiting Buckler's Hard Maritime Museum is fascinating. Find out all about Nelson
  • Explore my Days Out tips with a Visit the coast at Lepe Country Park with wonderful views across the Solent, WW2 history and wildlife to explore and enjoy, for all the family!

A New Forest National Park autumn scene - pigs out for Pannage in the woods

 New Forest National Park History and Wartime Life

It's a wonderful way to get close to the history of this beautiful National Park.

Visit New Forest Family Tree Forum and post your questions to find out more of your family history during WW1 and WW2. Were your relatives stationed here during WW1 and WW2? My Family Tree Building Tips suggests ways to find out about your past. We have discovered in our family tree searches that we don't come from royal blood!

Get to know this beautiful National Park - as I know it, through my pictures. You can share your experiences on any page where you see * or Contact Me and ask a question.

New Forest pig after a mud bath in village pond!

Our local Miss Pig after a cooling mud bath - she actually attended the local school fete on this day - without an invite!

 New Forest National Park Important Safety Information

Animal and Road Safety Advice from the Police 

"Remember that animals have the priority on the roads within the New Forest boundaries. Please drive to the road conditions, be mindful that animals can be concealed within hedges, behind trees etc and will walk out into the road without any notice despite your approach. Please keep your speed down and by doing so you will increase your chances of being able to avoid collisions".  For more advice please read my  Animal Accidents info.

At the moment, to live here I need to work to support this lifestyle.  When eventually silver surfer status takes me over I know I can work from home and earn money from my very own home business. It is and will be hard work but whether you are a mum who wants to work from home or a silver surfer looking for a great way to spend some retirement time - there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Now, you can learn how to Build Your Own Site. Why not put on the kettle and find out more? And at the moment there is a Special offer for you to try!

Finally, please do let me have feedback on how you feel about my New Forest Life website, and do tell me if there is anything you would like to see added to the site for your enjoyment. I hope you enjoy visiting the New Forest National Park with me, and that you take home many lovely memories too. Please Contact Me if you have any questions. Many Thanks.

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