New Forest Lost Stolen Found page is for you to post about your lost pet. Since I set up this page we've had some good results and also some sad outcomes. I've decided to open the page up to other types of loss as well as pets - no one wants to visit the New Forest and lose something so hopefully we can all help retrieve it.
It's just a way of quickly getting your details out there to try to help.
Lost - Honda keys - no date but probably over weekend of 22/23 March 2025
Hi. I lost my Honda car keys with red tag between St Ann's Catholic Church and shops. I contacted shops etc but no luck. Please Contact Me if you can help.
Lost black purse 20 March 2025 - no location given - have you found one?
Hi there, I lost my black purse yesterday and was wondering if you could post something on here please? Warm wishes, April. Please Contact me. I'll pass info on.
Sunday 16th February 2025 - have you found a baby's blanket? Purple with pink bunnies.
I’ve lost my baby’s blanket while in the New Forest. Y’all trees trail or black water car park. It is purple with light pink bunnies on. Can anyone help please? Please Contact Me if you have found it and I'll put you in touch with the owner.
7/8th January 2025Bolderwood Red Route
Lost set of car keys at Bolderwood yesterday on the Red route walk.
Did you find these keys on your walk? Please Contact Me and I'll pass your info on.
4th or 5th December 2024 Did you find a small pair of binoculars?
"Small pair of binoculars lost in Rhinefield Tall Trees Walk/Blackwater car park area 4th or 5th December 2024".
Please Contact me if you can help.
A blast from the past - can you help please?
Hi, Together with my girlfriend we thought we will give it a try and look for her phone lost 4 years ago... Have you had any posts about blue Samsung lost in Lyndhurst? Should be found somewhere near the car park of the museum where toilets are. Thank you Peter and Adrianna
Please Contact Me if you found and can help Peter and Adrianna
Found - Mini Keys on a fob.
Have you lost your car keys? This post has come in today 4 Dec 2024.
"Found on a post in the new forest. Mini fob with. Clutter of key chain items. Dropped at my local police station. St Denys in Southampton".
Thank you so much for taking the time to drop these keys off at St Denys Police Station Southampton
KR Christina
Lost Sunglasses at Eyeworth Pond - did you find them?
Here's a plea for your help - "I lost my sunglasses last Saturday 12th October at Eyeworth Pond and wondered if you could help me please?"
If you found them please Contact Me and I'll get in touch with the person who has lost them. Many thanks.
Lost silver ring on Tuesday 27 August 2024 in Beaulieu - can you help?
"I lost a ring today in Beaulieu. It it a large silver ring with a gold band that spins. I think I lost it by the toilets at the car park. It has sentimental value so I thought this was worth a shot. Thank you"
If you have found this ring please Contact Me and I will put you in touch with the owner.
Lost single earring near Janesmoor Pond - have you found it?
" I have lost an earring, of great sentimental value to me, quite expensive but not really of any value to anyone else. It is about 3cm long in total and 1 cm wide. It is gold plated silver with a man made crystal like a teardrop or large bead of water in a pale turquoise colour. Engraved in the back of the earring is the word Baccarat, whom it was made by. I lost it on a cycle route near Janesmoor Pond and Stoney Cross airfield, last Wednesday afternoon, 21 August 2024".
Please Contact me if you have found this much loved earring so I can contact the owner.
Can you help please?
"Lost mens black leather wallet in Lymington or Milford on the beach area, Name on Driving licence: Andreas Teltscher from Austria. Please urgently contact 07391981246 if you found it, or have an idea, where we could ask for lost items? Thanks a lot!!"
Great News!
There are honest, good people out there and a HUGE thank you to the staff at the Rhinefield House Hotel.
Dear Christina
I just wanted to let you know that I found my wallet. Someone found
it and send it to Rhinefield House Hotel. The staff there were so amazing, they managed to contact me through my dentist ( there was an appointment card in the wallet).
I collected it on Friday and I couldn't thank them enough. I think this is a good news to share with you as there are so many good and honest people out there.
I thank you so much as well for your effort ( emails and information)to help me to find my wallet.
Have a great time
Please see the update post above.
Did you find a wallet in the Rhinefield Ornamental Drive Car Park on 24 June 2024?
Here's some help you may be able to offer?
Hi I was in Rhinefield Ornamental Dr today 24th of June 2024. Around 1:00 to 2:00pm. I parked in the car park and spent some time sitting on the bench and went to the womens toilet. I lost my wallet there. Is there any way i could contact someone to find out if it was found by someone. I had some very important things in it. Thank you very much.
Please Contact Me if you have found it.
Please can you help?
Hi, could you please put on the lost page that we lost my engagement gold and emerald and diamond ring in bransgore/burley last Friday! Please Contact Me and I'll pass details on to connect.
Have you found a brown wallet? Please Contact Me and I'll put you in touch with Alisha
I’d like to add a listing to lost and found please, couldn’t see how to post. On Saturday 25th May between The Old Shed and Old Farmhouse Restaurant car park area I’ve misplaced my wallet. It’s a large brown leather wallet with driving licences and bank cards for Alisha Greatorex and Alisha Francois (my married and maiden names). Cards frozen but I’d love to get it back, it’s a sentimental wallet and can’t be easily replaced. Any information or simply the wallet returned, much appreciated. A £50 reward (all I can afford) is available if that helps it turn up!
Suzuki car keys (and other keys) found but no date or contact details from finder.
"Set of keys including SUZUKI car key found between Millyford Bridge and Acres Down car parks. Let me know and I’ll post them to you."
If you Contact me I'll try to send a message out for more details or if you are the writer re these keys please Contact Me
17 April 2024 - Volvo car keys found
"Found a set of car keys for a Volvo with a Netherland key fob in car park by Bramshaw forest golf course April 2024"
These are the only details. If you have lost these keys please use the Contact Me link and I'll connect you via email to the kind person who found these keys for you to take it further.
I Tweet regularly throughout most days and you can find me
@NewForestpiglet and
I don't use Facebook much so the Twitter accounts will be better at getting the news across.
A good example of the success of social media was when a New Forest shetland pony was stolen. The word got out and within a short time she was brought back onto the forest.
You can Contact Me and I'll put the post up and also Tweet it on my 2 accounts.
You can fill in the comment form below and I'll OK it and put it up to all the visitors who read New Forest Life
Recent information I've received from our local Police tells us there have been increased dog thefts in the New Forest National Park, as well as throughout the UK. Please keep your dog close to you at all times and don't leave it in your car, even for a minute.
The thieves seem to be targeting gun dogs in particular but any dog stolen is a tragedy to the owners.
Over the last year we have been successful in finding both stolen and lost pets. Please be careful when on the New Forest, as elsewhere in the country. Your dog may be stolen, sometimes from right in front of you.
If you use the form below to post your details, please try to supply a photo - if you are posting and are quite upset because you have lost your pony, donkey, dog or other animal a photo will really help others who may have spotted it.
I will post everything which is sent through to but cannot accept any responsibility for the outcome of any information posted on my site.
New Forest Lost-Stolen-Found is the place for you to let us know about your pony, donkey, dog or other animal.
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Lost sunglasses - cubitts herbrand tortoiseshell
I lost my sunglasses today in the new forest on the tall trees trail opposite the black water car park. I have almost lost them many times, including once …
Lost siamese cat
We have lost our much loved siamese cat. Blue eyes with dark brown body and black feet and head, nearly two years old he is very friendly. Microchpped, …
Miss Cristina Sandu
I went for the walk at anew Forest today and decided to stop for a walk in the forest so we stopped at Puttles Bridge parking.At that moment when we stopped …
Lost Glasses at Milford on Sea
I think i dropped my prescription glasses near the sea front at Milford on Sea on afternoon of Monday 10th September. Very thin, rimless glasses, thank …
Blue Samsung phone Not rated yet
So... In 2020, my girlfriend and I were in lovely Lyndhurst where she has lost her phone in the big car park of the museum.
Trying our luck, hoping it's …
Found car keys to Mini Not rated yet
Found on a post in the new forest. Mini fob with. Clutter of key chain items. Dropped at my local police station. St Denys in Southampton.
Thank …
headphones Not rated yet
i’ve lost my j-lab headphones whilst on a walk at the new forest. please help! if anybody has found them i would appreciate it a lot
Which area of the …
headphones Not rated yet
i’ve lost my j-lab headphones whilst on a walk at the new forest. please help! if anybody has found them i would appreciate it a lot
Can you be a bit …
Andreas Teltscher Not rated yet
Lost mens black leather wallet in Lymington or Milford on the beach area, Name on Driving licence: Andreas Teltscher from Austria. Please urgently contact …
Andreas Teltscher Not rated yet
Lost mens black leather wallet in Lymington or Milford on the beach area, Name on Driving licence: Andreas Teltscher from Austria. Please urgently contact …
Lost Rayban Aviator Sunglasses Not rated yet
Lost Rayban Aviator Sunglasses while walking from Brockenhurst to Tall Trees Trail, or on trail. Were a gift so would be thrilled to get them back. Any …
FOUND Suzuki car keys Not rated yet
Set of keys including SUZUKI car key found between Millyford Bridge and Acres Down car parks. Let me know and I’ll post them to you.
Gold Ring with 6 bands LOST on Tall Trees Trail near Blackwater Car Park! Not rated yet
Hello - today 18th February - while walking on the Tall Trees Trail off of Blackwater Car Park my very precious ring slipped off my finger. The ring is …
Lost- Foxy Loxy Not rated yet
Lost toy fox very dear to my 8 year old daughter. About 30 cm in length with white and black stripes. Lost after walk at smugglers car park. Reward offered. …
Lost- Foxy Loxy Not rated yet
Lost toy fox very dear to my 8 year old daughter. About 30 cm in length with white and black stripes. Lost after walk at smugglers car park. Reward offered. …
Found mobile phone in forest near Nomansland crossroads, Roger Penny Way Not rated yet
18.9.2023 Found a mobile phone and charger pack on the open forest. Still working fine. Ring your phone to make contact
Lost Mini keys at Waterfront and Solent Surgery 03 July Not rated yet
Hi I lost a set of keys including a mini key whilst at the surgery. Please contact me through the web moderator if you have found them.
Many thanks …
Stolen backpack Not rated yet
My bag was stolen from a vehicle on the evening of 21/04 in the Stoney Cross area. The bag is a small brown faux leather backpack. Inside was a red purse …
Found car keys in Brockenhurst. Not rated yet
Found car keys with additional key attached.
Lost dark blue Tommy Hilfiger Beanie Hat Not rated yet
Walking from Lyndhurst Cemetery into town; to the village centre car park. Believe I dropped it on route. Much loved gift.
Soft toy penguin lost near Burley Primary School Not rated yet
Lost in Burley: soft toy Penguin.
My daughter Rosie lost Penny the penguin near Burley car park just over the road from Burley Primary School. We looked …
Soft toy penguin lost near Burley Primary School Not rated yet
My daughter Rosie lost Penny the penguin in the woods south of Burley Primary School on 26th August. We looked for ages through lots of tears but in the …
Lost ruby necklace at Hatchet Pond car park Not rated yet
I lost an incredibly sentimental white gold necklace with a small ruby pendant in or next to Hatchet Pond car park on 17th July 2022. Searched for hours …
brown wallet Not rated yet
i dropped a brown leather wallet with a provisional driving license under the name of thomas clemente wilks, a freedom leisure card and a barclays card …
brown wallet Not rated yet
I dropped a brown leather wallet with a provisional driving license under the name of thomas clemente wilks, a freedom leisure card and a barclays card …
Lost wallet (yes, I'm an optimist) Not rated yet
Weds: 1st June 2022:
We had ice cream at the bottom of Bolton's Bench and I left my wallet right where we sat.
The wallet was black leather, had 2 credit …
Lost keys near vereley hill car park Not rated yet
I may have lost a set of keys in the area of vereley hill car park on Saturday 8/5/22. Approximately 8 keys and a thin mini screwdriver type tool attached …
Lost Green Huawei Phone near Bramshaw Not rated yet
Phone lost 05/09/2021 at or around Bramshaw Forest Golf Course/Car Park or, most likely, off a road between Bramshaw and Highcliffe-on-Sea (A337 route). …
Lost sunglasses - cubitts herbrand tortoiseshell Not rated yet
I lost my sunglasses today in the new forest on the tall trees trail opposite the black water car park. I have almost lost them many times, including once …
Wizard walking stick Not rated yet
Found Boxing Day morning walk at Horseshoe Bottom. Very nicely carved. Happy to reunite.
Found Not rated yet
Found sunglasses -designer frame and in its case in Dibden Enclosure New Forest.
Sandra Not rated yet
Found a Samsung phone in Ballard meadow about 1pm 3/12
07712 800 426
Amy Din Not rated yet
My eight year old tortoise has been missing since last week. I live in Lyndhurst by the football club. My tortoise went missing when having a fun day in …
Lost cat Not rated yet
Our cat Spock went missing from Shagg’s Meadow in Lyndhurst on 1st July. I please check sheds and outhouses. If you see him please use the Contact me …
Lost I-Phone and vehicle keys Not rated yet
Whilst out cycling in Brownhills and Setthorns enclosure on Sunday 19th Jan 2020 in the afternoon, the small black saddlebag on my bike came off containing …
Anyone found an iphone 5 on 22nd December? Not rated yet
Lost iphone whilst out cycling in the New forest.
Last seen when I checked the time in the car park of The Bold Forester pub at 3pm. Otherwise may have …
Ms Lorraine Cook Lost earring Not rated yet
At the food fest in Lymington On Saturday 10 August I llost a silver loop earring, it was a present which means a lot to me, can any body help please, …
Lost Keys and Padlock Oakley Carpark Not rated yet
Left Padlock with keys in it on ground, Black Padlock with about 4 keys still in it. One back and coloured key. 4th August about 5pm Oakley CarPark New …
wedding band Not rated yet
my mum lost her wedding ring bout year go, at Hinton Burial Ground, ive only just realised this site exists, if any one has found one or handed one in …
Hurst Castle - Platinum wedding ring Not rated yet
Hi, we visited hurst castle yesterday, and found a Platinum wedding band half buried in the ground. If you think this may be yours contact me
If you …
STOLEN Ralph Lauren black shoulder bag and keyset (keys + 2 fobs + car fob + Stanley keyring) Not rated yet
Our car window was smashed in Deadman Hill car park in New Forest on Sunday 4 November 2018 around 11am. A ladies shoulder bag was stolen with 1 large …
can you help find our loved cat Lilly Not rated yet
Our lovely black and white cat managed to escape our caravan whilst staying at Black Knowl caravan and motorhome club site on 1st September. It was at …
Lost stuffed toy Chimp (PG Chimp) Sept 2nd Not rated yet
Somewhere in the vicinity of the Beaulieu Autojumble which were at on Sunday the 2nd of Sept. A much loved mascot and member of the outings crew, approx …
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